Best Gifts for YouTubers (5 Must-Haves)

Mar 6, 2022


Trying to find some gifts for YouTubers? You've come to the right place.

In recent years, many people have started creating content on YouTube. This has caused many people to want to receive gifts that reflect their new hobby. But what exactly should someone buy for a YouTuber as a gift?

In this article, you will learn:

Best Gifts for YouTubers

Read on and find the perfect gift for a YouTuber in your life.

Best Gifts for YouTubers

Finding gifts for a YouTuber isn't as difficult as you may think. Aa lot of equipment exists that content creators can use to create better videos. So, this gives you the opportunity to purchase something they'll actually use to create content.

Some of the best gifts for YouTubers include:

  1. SD cards

Let's go over these items in more detail.

1. Cameras

While some YouTubers record video footage on their phone, many prefer to use a camera. Knowing this, it's easy to see how a camera would make a great gift for someone new to creating content or is looking to upgrade their recording device.

Some great cameras for YouTube creators include:

Cameras are typically the most expensive piece of video recording equipment. However, you're much better off investing more money into a high-quality camera than settling for a cheap camera that will not last long.

2. Microphones

A lot of content creators tend to invest in a camera before a microphone, but this doesn't mean that microphones should be ignored. Capturing high-quality audio is important for creating high-quality content. Fortunately, many mics exist that can help with this.

Lavalier Microphone

As you can probably imagine, carrying around a microphone when you're on the go as a YouTuber is not a feasible option. Fortunately, lavalier microphones exist, and they can be clipped to your shirt for hands-free audio recording.

Here are some lavalier microphones worth looking at:

Most lavalier microphones are affordable and work with almost any video capture device. Since this is the case, they are an accessible option for content creators who need to improve the quality of their audio.

Voiceover Microphone

In most cases, a traditional voiceover microphone that sits on a desk or boom arm is what a content creator will need as a microphone. There are plenty of these microphones available, but some are better than others.

Any of these products would be great options:

It's important to recognize that the environment a video is recorded in will have a big impact on how it looks and sounds. Even if a decent microphone is used, if audio is being recorded in a less than ideal location, it will sound poor. Keep this in mind when buying a microphone.

Camera Microphone

Let's face it- cameras are quite expensive. Since this is the case, we often shy away from purchasing a microphone for our cameras- but we shouldn't. Just because a camera costs a lot, it doesn't mean the audio cannot be improved through the use of a camera microphone.

Consider the following camera microphones:

Using any of these suggested microphones in an environment with minimal background noise will help produce high-quality audio recordings for YouTube videos. With this said, it must be ensured that audio levels are set correctly for the best quality audio to be captured.

3. SSDs

Bogging down your computer with large video files will lead to less efficiency and more frustration. Since this is the case, an SSD can make for a great gift for a YouTube content creator, as it will allow them to free up space on their computer.

Here are a few great SSDs to consider:

Any of these SSDs would make a great gift for a YouTube struggling to store large video files. They all have great storage sizes and transfer speeds. With this said, there are also plenty of great SSDs available on the market today aside from the ones mentioned.

4. Lights

Many content creators purchase a new camera when they don't need one. Often, having a decent lighting setup will improve the visual quality of a video drastically. This makes purchasing lighting as a gift for a content creator a great option.

Ring Light

A ring light is a great lighting option for those who create content more casually. They are a cost-effective lighting option for content creators looking to improve the lighting of their videos.

Some affordable ring lights worth looking at include:

Any of these ring lights will get the job done. There are many expensive options available on the market, but for most content creators a budget option will work just fine. At the end of the day, the creator can always upgrade to a more expensive option in the future.


When people see a softbox light, they assume that it was expensive. In reality, many softbox lighting systems can be purchased for a relatively low price. Seeing as this is the case, for many content creators, a softbox light can make a great gift.

Some softbox lights worth considering include:

Many softbox lights behave similarly. The differences between each light often come down to features such as being able to adjust colors, brightness levels, etc. Since this is the case, even a budget product can work very well.

5. SD Cards

If you've ever watched a video from a YouTube vlogger, there's a good chance you've heard them talk about running out of space on their memory card. Issues like this make SD cards valuable for creators, which makes them a great gift.

There are plenty of SD cards to choose from, but it's ideal to select one with a decent amount of storage and fast transfer speeds. Doing so will make it possible for a large number of files to be recorded and also transferred to a computer quickly.

A few SD cards worth looking at include:

There are plenty of fantastic products to choose from aside from the SD cards mentioned. Depending on the YouTuber you're purchasing a gift for, an SD card with a smaller storage size or a slower transfer speed might be acceptable.


You now know what some great gifts for YouTubers are. If a gift helps them create better videos, it will be appreciated. Just make sure that your gift is compatible with the YouTuber's current recording setup to avoid compatibility issues.

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