6 Good Ideas for Your First YouTube Video

Sep 29, 2020


Starting a YouTube channel and creating videos can be intimidating. Many people believe that the first video is the hardest to create. What should your first video be about? Should it be about you or your plans for your channel? To make the process easier, take a look at these good ideas for your first YouTube video.

When creating and publishing your first YouTube video, it's best not to overthink things. Creating videos is a difficult process in itself. But trying to think of the "perfect" topic? That will make things even harder. Simply create a video about yourself or your plans for your channel. Lots of people will never see your first video, so it doesn't need to be perfect!

Certain topics are easier to create videos about than others. Since you're most likely new to creating videos, it would be good for you to get your feet wet with a beginner-friendly video topic. Try using 1 of these 6 different topics and help make the process of creating your first video on YouTube less overwhelming and intimidating.

What Are Some Good First YouTube Video Ideas


If you're starting a YouTube channel, you've probably wondered: What are some good first YouTube video ideas? As someone who has started (and stopped) over 13 different channels, I have a lot of experience creating "first" videos. All of the following 6 video topics work well for first videos, so give one of them a try if you're struggling to find a topic to talk about!

Personal "About Me" Biography

This particular topic lends itself to personal YouTube channels. If you have a YouTube channel centering around yourself, then creating an "about me" video can be a great way to introduce yourself to YouTube and your potential audience. Also, it can be easier to talk about yourself than about an external topic, so this will make the recording process easier.

If you do create an "about me" video, your video should revolve around telling relevant facts about yourself. Meaning, if your channel is about hockey, then you should talk about yourself in relation to hockey. The information you give about yourself needs to be relevant to your target audience, or else the video will seem empty.

Why You Started Your Channel

Sometimes talking about why you started your YouTube channel can be a good way to introduce yourself to YouTube. This topic is similar to the "about me" topic, but it's a little more focused on your channel and less on yourself. This can be a good way to attract members of your ideal target audience, as opposed to a more general audience.

Establishing why you started your channel can also be helpful to yourself. You see, by clearly establishing why you started your channel, you can help yourself get through times of low motivation. Reminding yourself why you started your channel can help you push through low periods, helping you move forward on your YouTube journey.

Plans and Goals for Your Channel

Creating a video going over your plans and goals for your channel can be a great first video option. This topic will help you filter out viewers who aren't a part of your ideal target audience. Along with this, having plans and goals is a great way to track your progress and stay motivated, as you will have an easier time seeing how much you've improved over time.

Communicating your plans and goals for your channel in a video can help you hold yourself accountable. If you set guidelines for yourself in a video, you can make the process of operating a channel easier. Sometimes, creators get overwhelmed and lose sight of their initial plans and goals. So, establishing your plans and goals can help you stay on track.

Series Introduction

A common reason why people start a YouTube channel is that they have a series they'd like to create. A series is a collection of videos following a central theme or topic. If you have started a YouTube channel because you're planning on creating a series, a good first video for your channel could be a series trailer or introduction.

Many people think of a series in a television sense. However, a series doesn't need to have a first, second, or third episode. A series can be a collection of videos all about the same theme or topic. For example, many vloggers started their journey with the intention of their videos being part of a series. It wasn't until later that their vlogs became more "general" in nature.

A Day in the Life

If you have an existing audience on a different platform, creating a day in the life video can be a great way to bring your existing audience to YouTube. If you don't have an existing audience, a day in the life video might not be an entertaining video for viewers to watch. If you do have an existing audience, then this type of video can work well as a first video.

Like with an "about me" video, your day in the life should include elements that are relevant to your target audience. If you have a channel about iPhones, but you never once have a moment related to this subject, your video will not seem relevant to your viewers. Make sure you integrate some audience-specific elements into your day in the life video.

Nothing Special

One of the best ways to start a channel on YouTube is to simply start. In other words, it can be a good idea to simply get your hands dirty, as opposed to planning and thinking things over. This approach can be taken with creating your first video as well. Simply not making a big deal over your first video and uploading whatever comes to mind can be a great option.


Creating your first video can be intimidating. To make the process easier, try using 1 of the 6 good ideas for your first YouTube video mentioned in this article. Also, remember that a large number of people will most likely never see your first video. So, try not to overthink the process. The sooner you start making videos, the easier making videos will become.

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