How Accurate Is SocialBlade? (Complete Explanation)

Dec 4, 2021


Have you ever wondered- how accurate is SocialBlade? If so, you've come to the right place.

There are many tools available for YouTube content creators. One of the most well-known tools is SocialBlade. But what does this tool do, and does it produce accurate data in regards to view counts, subscriber counts, and earnings?

In this article, you will learn:

What Is SocialBlade?
Is SocialBlade Accurate?
How Accurate Are SocialBlade Estimated Earnings?

Read on and learn if Social Blade is accurate or not and if the estimated earnings the platform presents are worth paying attention to.

What Is SocialBlade?


So, what is SocialBlade?

SocialBlade is a website that compiles and tracks statistics for social media websites. Data is compiled from YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Daily Motion, Mixer, and Instagram. The compiled data is used to track the growth and future growth estimations of individual accounts.

What sets SocialBlade apart from other social media statistics platforms is the way the data is presented. Other platforms tend to have a basic chart of daily statistics, whereas SocialBlade has various graphs that make it easier to visualize data.

Another thing that sets this platform apart from others is the fact that it is free to use. Unlike other platforms, you will be able to access the statistics of as many accounts as you'd like- there are no daily usage limits.

Is SocialBlade Accurate?


You might be wondering- is SocialBlade accurate? After all, they gather a lot of data about various profiles- there's a good chance they make mistakes, right? Or, is all of their data correct and accurate?

SocialBlade is quite accurate when it comes to tracking the number of video views a channel has gained. However, the subscriber gains are less accurate, are they do not feature exact statistics.

Getting 100% accurate data is difficult because no one can gain access to the analytics of every YouTube channel. Estimations must be made through the direction of statistics and data to form results.

While the data presented might not be 100% accurate, it is often reflective of the status of the profile you're evaluating. If SocialBlade says that a YouTube channel received 10,000 views on a certain day, chances are the channel gained close to that number of views.

How Accurate Are SocialBlade Estimated Earnings?


At this point, you might be wondering- how accurate are SocialBlade estimated earnings? Do content creators on YouTube make as much (or as little) money as stated in the charts? Or, is this information incorrect?

The estimated earnings given by SocialBlade are not accurate. This is because many different factors affect the CPM of a channel. Channels in niches such as finance have a higher CPM than channels in niches such as gaming.

Along the same lines, most full-time content creators earn money through means other than Google AdSense. SocialBlade does not factor in the amount of money made through donations, merchandise sales, etc.

Typically, estimated earnings are a huge under-representation of the amount of money a YouTube content creator earns. Knowing this, you should not put too much stock in the numbers presented.


You now know not only what SocialBlade is, but also how accurate it is and whether the estimated earnings presented are correct. There are many social media statistics platforms available, but few are as well-known and trusted as SocialBlade.

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