How Much Do YouTube Editors Make? (Salary Explained)

Jan 7, 2022


Have you ever wondered- how much do YouTube editors make? If so, you've come to the right place.

Figuring out salaries for creative occupations is difficult. There are many factors that impact how much a video editor, for example, is paid. However, there is a price range that most editors tend to fall under.

In this article, you will learn:

How Much Do YouTube Video Editors Make?
How Much Do YouTube Editors Get Paid per Video?
YouTube Video Editor Salary

Read on and learn the answer to the question, "how much does a YouTube editor make?" from someone who has hired multiple editors in the past.

How Much Do YouTube Video Editors Make?


So, how much do YouTube video editors make? Do they make a significant amount of money? Or, are they typically paid a small salary? Also, what things impact the amount of money an editor is paid?

Full-time YouTube video editors typically earn between $34,500 and $55,000 per year in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. In developing countries, salaries for video editors are much lower.

Factors that have an impact on how much money a video editor is paid include:

  • Skill level
  • Scope of work

A YouTube editor living in the USA with a good portfolio and 5 years of experience will earn more than an editor in India with no portfolio and under a year of experience. Also, a highly-edited video for a finance channel will present a higher salary than a basic gaming video.

Another thing to keep in mind is that clients tend to pay editors less on freelancing platforms such as Fiverr and Upwork. Editors on these platforms are often (but not always) paid less than editors who work with clients directly.

How Much Do YouTube Editors Get Paid per Video?


You're probably wondering- how much do YouTube editors get paid per video? Is there a set amount of money that they are paid for every video they edit? Or, do most editors tend not to be paid in this manner?

YouTube editors are typically paid an hourly rate. Few editors charge a certain amount of money per video because videos can differ in complexity. Charging a fixed rate per video could result in an editor earning a minuscule wage for their work.

For example, one video might take 1 hour to edit, while another might take 2 hours. If an editor charged a fixed rate for each video they edited, they would make the same amount of money for double the amount of work.

Every video is different. Since this is the case, it's in the best interest of an editor to charge an hourly rate. This way, if they need to spend a significant amount of time working on a video, they can be paid more money.

YouTube Video Editor Salary


You might be wondering, what is the average YouTube video editor's salary? After all, not every editor is the same. Some have plenty of experience, whereas others are brand new. But surely there must be a range, right?

The average salary for a YouTube video editor in the United States is $47,723 per year. However, salaries in other countries tend to be less- especially in developing countries such as India.

As it was stated earlier, full-time video editors in first-world countries earn between $34,500 and $55,000 per year on average. Something to keep in mind is that part-time editors and freelancers of a certain skill level do not tend to earn this much.

Overall, video editors often earn the most money working for an agency or as an experienced and highly-skilled freelancer. Editors who receive work through freelancing platforms are often at the lower end of the salary spectrum.


You now know how much YouTube editors make. Editors are paid based on their skill level, experience, and geography. The scope of work for projects also impacts salaries, as some videos require more intensive editing than others.

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