How to Clear History on YouTube 2021

Dec 8, 2020


Knowing how to clear history on YouTube in 2021 is a skill every YouTube user should possess. After all, YouTube tracks search history, watch history, and comment history while a user is on YouTube. Being able to clear these pieces of history will help you keep things fresh and organized, which will improve your YouTube experience.

Clearing history on YouTube in 2021 is a very simple process. While signed in on your YouTube account, navigate to your history feed. Once on your history feed, select your history type (search or watch), and then click the "CLEAR ALL HISTORY" button. After going through this process for each history type, your history will be cleared.

While the process of clearing your YouTube history is simple, you mustn't remove your history prematurely. After all, once you delete your history, it will be gone forever. So, make sure you do not delete your history if there are videos you want to watch again in the future or past searches you'd like to remember.

How to Clear Your Search History on YouTube


The process of clearing search history on YouTube is very simple and straightforward. YouTube tracks your search history to get a better idea of the types of videos you are interested in. Sometimes, however, you might start getting recommended too many videos of the same type. So, it can be a good idea to clear your search history.

Here's how to clear your search history on YouTube:

Step 1 - Go to Your History Feed

To begin the process of clearing your search history, you will first need to make your way to your history feed. Your history feed is where all of your history is kept. Getting to the history feed is a simple process. Simply select the "History" item from the menu located on the left side of your screen while on YouTube.

Step 2 - Select Your Search History

Once you have been brought to your history feed, you will need to select your history type from the menu on the right side of the screen. In this instance, you will need to select the "Search history" option from the menu. All you need to do to select this menu item is to click on it or the circle beside it.

Step 3 - Clear Your Search History

After you have selected the "Search history" menu item, you should be able to see the different terms that you have entered into the YouTube search bar. Clearing your search history is as simple as clicking the "CLEAR ALL SEARCH HISTORY" button located on the menu on the right side of the screen.

How to Clear Your Watch History on YouTube


Clearing your watch history on YouTube is a straightforward process. As with search history, YouTube tracks your watch history to determine the types of videos you enjoy watching. Often, our interests change over time. Since this is the case, it can be beneficial to clear your watch history every so often to begin getting recommended different types of videos.

Here is how to clear your watch history on YouTube:

Step 1 - Navigate to Your History Feed

First, you will need to navigate your way to your history feed. While signed in on YouTube, look at the menu located on the left side of your screen. On this menu, you should see the "History" menu item. Click on it. If you do not see this menu item, make sure that your menu is expanded and not collapsed.

Step 2 - Select Your Watch History

Next, you will need to make sure that you select the right type of history. By default, your watch history will be selected, which is convenient in this case. However, just to be sure, make sure you look at the menu located on the right side of your screen while on your history feed and select the "Watch history" menu item.

Step 3 - Clear Your Watch History

Once you select the "Watch history" menu item, you will be able to see every video that you have watched while signed in on YouTube. Before you go any further, make sure you save any videos you'd like to watch again in the future by adding them to your Watch later playlist. When you are ready, click the "CLEAR ALL WATCH HISTORY" button to clear your history.

How to Delete Comment History on YouTube


Believe it or not, YouTube also tracks every comment you make on YouTube. Since this is the case, you can view your past comments and also delete them. Deleting comment history, however, works differently than deleting search and watch history. To delete comments, you will need to be a bit more hands-on.

Here's how to delete comment history on YouTube:

Step 1 - Visit Your History Feed

Similarly to when you clear your search and watch history, to begin the process of deleting your comment history, you will need to visit your history feed. Visiting your history feed is as simple as selecting the "History" menu item located on the menu on the left side of your screen while on YouTube.

Step 2 - Select Your Comments History

After making your way to your history feed, you will need to select the correct history type. For this scenario, you will need to select the "Comments" history type. Accessing your comments history is as simple as selecting the correct option from the menu located on the right side of your screen.

Step 3 - Access Your Comments

At this point, all of your YouTube comments should be visible in front of you. At this point, you will probably notice that there is no "CLEAR ALL COMMENTS HISTORY" button as there is for search and watch history. Unfortunately, for you to delete your past comments, you will need to do so manually.

Step 4 - Delete Your Comments

Manually deleting your comments on YouTube is a simple process. All you need to do is click on the 3-dot icon that appears when you hover over a comment. Clicking on the 3-dot icon will cause a menu to pop up, and from this menu, you will be able to select the "Delete" option which will delete your selected comment.


Every avid YouTube user should know how to clear history on YouTube in 2021. Clearing history on YouTube will help you get recommended different types of videos, which will help you discover different types of videos to watch. Every so often, trying clearing your search, watch, and comments history to keep things fresh.

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