How to Watch Private YouTube Videos (Step-By-Step Guide)

Jan 13, 2022


Wondering how to watch private YouTube videos? If so, you should find this article to be helpful.

Sometimes, videos are uploaded privately and are unable to be viewed by the public. Obviously, this leads to issues when someone needs to view the private videos. Luckily, there is a way to gain access to these videos.

In this article, you will learn:

Is There a Way to Watch Private Videos on YouTube?
How to Watch a Private Video on YouTube

Read on and learn how to see private videos on YouTube.

Is There a Way to Watch Private Videos on YouTube?


Before we get started, we should first address whether or not there's a way to watch private videos on YouTube. After all, there's no point in going through this process if the result is not going to be positive.

By default, a private YouTube video can only be viewed by the uploader. Since this is the case, for another individual to be able to watch a private video, they need to be given access to do so by the uploader.

This means that a private video cannot be viewed by any user on YouTube- they must be given access to do so. When you think about it, this makes sense. Why would someone upload a video privately if they wanted people to see it?

So, yes, there is a way to watch private videos on YouTube. Doing so, however, requires some work, as you cannot access private videos without going through a process that will allow you to do so.

How to Watch a Private Video on YouTube


To view private YouTube videos, you must be given access to them by their uploaders. For this to happen, you must go through a process that will allow you to contact uploaders. If you do not go through this process, you will be unable to view private videos.

Here's how to watch a private video on YouTube:

  1. Contact the uploader
  2. Request access to the private video
  3. Receive a link to the video
  4. Watch the video

Let's go over this process in more detail.

1. Contact the Uploader

To begin, you must contact the uploader of the private video you would like to watch. The easiest way to do this is through email. Emails can be found easily in the "About" tab on YouTube channel pages.

2. Request Access to the Private Video

Chances are, you know which video you'd like access to. So, in your email to the video uploader, be sure to request access to the video in question. This way, you are not sent the wrong URL.

Hopefully, you will receive a response to your email with the URL of the private video you'd like to view. If you do not receive a response to your original email, consider sending a follow-up email.

4. Watch the Video

Upon clicking the URL to the video you requested access to, you should be brought to the watch page for the video. If things have been done properly, you should now be able to watch the video.


You now know how to watch private YouTube videos. While the process of doing so isn't as straight-forward as you might like, it is possible to gain access to private videos for viewing if you're persistent enough.

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