Is It Possible to See Who Your Subscribers Are on YouTube?

Oct 1, 2020


So, you've started to gain subscribers on your YouTube channel. This is great! But, have you ever wondered who is subscribing to your channel? If you have, you wouldn't be the only one to do so. But is it possible to see who your subscribers are on YouTube? Or, are your subscribers hidden from you? In this article, you'll get the answer.

Gaining YouTube subscribers is a great feeling. Knowing that your hard work is paying off always leads to a boost in motivation. But who are the people subscribing to your channel? Can you see them? Believe it or not, you can see who subscribes to your channel. The YouTube Studio gives you access to a lot of data, and it will allow you to see your subscribers.

While knowing who your subscribers are on YouTube isn't necessarily useful from an algorithmic perspective, it can be nice to know who specifically is watching your videos. This way, you can visit their channel and potentially return some support to them. Luckily enough, seeing why your subscribers are is an easy process that can be done with just a few clicks.

Can You See Who Your Subscribers Are on YouTube


Can you see who your subscribers are on YouTube? As I mentioned above, yes, you can see who your YouTube subscribers are. While it isn't well known, there is a way that you can view a list of your subscribers. As an added bonus, the process involved to be able to see who your subscribers are is quite simple and can be done quickly.

For certain features on YouTube, 3rd-party websites and plugins need to be used. In this instance, however, this is not the case. You can view a list of your subscribers on YouTube through the YouTube Studio. Since this is the case, you do not need to worry about needing access to any special websites or plugins.

How Do You View Your Subscribers on Your YouTube Channel


So, how do you view your subscribers on your YouTube channel? Is the process of doing so difficult? As I mentioned earlier, the process is quite easy. YouTube makes getting data for your channel easy in the YouTube Studio. The process of seeing who your subscribers are is a lot like any other process involving data.

Here's how to view your YouTube subscribers:

Step 1 - Go to the YouTube Studio

To begin, you will need to navigate your way to the YouTube Studio. Getting to the YouTube Studio is a very simple process. Simply click on your channel avatar icon in the top right corner of your screen while on YouTube, and then select the "YouTube Studio" option from the menu that pops up.

Step 2 - Scroll to the "Recent Subscribers" Panel

Once you have selected the "YouTube Studio" option from the menu, you will be brought to the YouTube Studio. You will now need to navigate your way to the "Recent Subscribers" panel. To find this panel, simply scroll down the page and look for the panel. It should be located on the right side of your screen.

Step 3 - Click the "See All" Button

When you have located the Recent Subscribers panel, you will need to click the "See All" button. After you click this button, a new window should pop up on your screen displaying your subscribers in the form of a list. If you do not see this list after clicking the "See All" button, refresh your page and try again.

Step 4 - Click the "Date Subscribed" Button

Finally, to see who your most recent subscriber is, click on the "Date Subscribed" button near the top of the window to change the sorting of the column. Changing the sorting of the column will allow you to see the oldest or newest subscribers on your channel. Everything will be sorted by the date they subscribed to your channel.

How Can Knowing Who Your Subscribers Are Benefit You

At this point, you might be wondering- how can knowing who your subscribers are benefit you? Believe it or not, knowing who your subscribers are can be very beneficial for growing your channel. You see, when you know who your subscribers are, you know who you should engage with to ensure future channel growth.

Many of your YouTube subscribers will create videos of their own. Since this is the case, you can provide value to them by commenting on and watching their videos. By doing this, you will subconsciously convince your subscribers to do the same for you, ensuring they do not forget about you and your channel.

Also, it's important to remember that other YouTube users will watch the videos your subscribers publish. So, not only will you be engaging with your subscribers, which is beneficial, but you will also be getting your channel put in front of their subscribers, leading to more visibility.

The more subscribers you can get to return to your channel frequently, the better it is for your channel. After all, it never hurts to get more views on your videos. Just make sure you engage with your subscribers on their videos consistently. Remember, the whole point is to make sure your subscribers do not forget about you and your channel.


Seeing who your YouTube subscribers are can be a great way to find new channels to engage with. Getting subscribers is awesome, but seeing who is supporting your channel so you can return the favor is even better. Now that you know who your subscribers are, why not try engaging with them to strengthen your relationship with them?

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