Why Doesn't My YouTube Channel Show up When I Search for It?

Oct 30, 2020


Have you ever asked yourself: "Why doesn't my YouTube channel show up when I search for it?" If so, you aren't alone. Many content creators run into the issue of their channel not showing up in the YouTube search results. But why does this happen, and what can be done to fix the issue?

YouTube channels tend not to show up in the search results when they are brand new or have a lack of authority. If a channel was created recently or has not uploaded any videos, this will cause the channel not to show up when searched for on YouTube. Fixing this issue is as simple as uploading more videos so the channel can gain more authority.

Getting your channel discovered can be quite difficult if it doesn't show up when people search for it. Due to this, it's in your best interest to fix the issue as soon as possible. Believe it or not, fixing the issue is very easy. By doing a few simple things, you can make it so your channel begins showing up in the search results when it is searched for.

Why Isn't My YouTube Channel Showing up in Search


When I talk to creators, they often ask me: "Why isn't my YouTube channel showing up in search?" Most of the time, these creators tend to own new channels with low authority. Due to the age and authority of their channels, they do not show up in the search results when people search for them.

However, there are usually some other issues present aside from channel age and authority. Typically, channels that don't show up in the search results also have very few videos uploaded. Along with this, channel keywords containing the channel name are not present on the channel.

So, to be very clear, here are some reasons why your YouTube channel might not be showing up in search:

  • Low channel age
  • Low channel authority
  • Minimal video uploads
  • No channel keywords

Let's discuss these 4 things in more detail.

Low Channel Age

New YouTube channels, as you can probably guess, lack age. Since this is the case, YouTube doesn't recognize the channels right away, as they have existed for very long. Channels will age over time, and as they age they will attract the attention of YouTube. Ultimately, new channel owners must be patient, as the aging process cannot be sped up.

Low Channel Authority

YouTube channels with low authority are less trustworthy in the eyes of YouTube. YouTube wants to share channels with users that are going to entice users to stay on YouTube for a longer duration. So, YouTube tends not to rank channels with low authority in the search results, as they don't trust these channels to keep users on YouTube.

Minimal Video Uploads

When there aren't many videos uploaded to a YouTube channel, it takes longer for a channel to gain authority. As you know, channel authority is something that a channel must possess to start ranking in the search results. Any owner of a channel that isn't ranking in the search results should make an effort to upload more videos.

No Channel Keywords

Channel keywords help YouTube determine the types of videos a channel uploads. By including channel keywords on your channel, you can help YouTube recognize the types of videos you create, making it easier for your channel to be shared with more users. Over time, your channel will begin to rank for terms related to your set keywords.

How Do I Get My YouTube Channel to Show up in Search


At this point, you might be asking yourself: "How do I get my YouTube channel to show up in search?" After all, the sooner your channel begins showing up in the search results, the sooner it can be discovered. You'll be happy to know that getting your channel to show up in search is an easy process.

To get your YouTube channel to show up in search, you must make it more visible. This can be done by simply uploading more videos and being patient. Seriously, this solves the issue of a channel not showing up in the search results in 99% of cases. Along with this, place your channel name and variations in your channel keywords.

Something else to experiment is placing your channel name at the end of your video titles. Videos tend to rank quicker than new channels in the search results. So, including your channel name at the end of your video titles when your channel is brand new can be a way to get your videos (and channel) to show up when searched for.

Keep in mind that while having your channel show up in search can be beneficial, most users will discover your channel through your videos. At the end of the day, your channel will show up in the search results eventually if you upload more videos, optimize your channel keywords, and are patient.

How Long Will it Take for My YouTube Channel to Show Up in Search Results

You might be wondering- how long will it take for your YouTube channel to show up in the YouTube search results if you do the proper things? Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer to this question. All you can do is do the correct things and be patient, and eventually, your channel will start to show up in the YouTube search results.

After doing all of the correct things, you must be patient. Remember, gaining trust with YouTube takes time. Just know that eventually, your channel will show up in the search results- it just takes time! Be patient, create channel keywords, and upload videos, and things will work out eventually.


Not having your channel (or videos) show up in the YouTube search results can be an annoying issue. Most of the time, however, your channel is not showing up due to its age, authority, or optimization. Upload more videos, optimize your channel keywords, and be patient. If you do these things, your channel will eventually begin to show up in the search results.

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