How to Get Your First Few Subscribers on YouTube

Sep 12, 2020


Subscribers are not the most important thing on YouTube nowadays. However, they can be beneficial for you to have if you're looking to grow your channel. The problem is, they can be hard to gain for new creators. Luckily enough for you, in this article, you'll learn how to get your first few subscribers on YouTube.

Getting your first few YouTube subscribers doesn't need to be so difficult. By selecting a target niche, sharing videos on social media, and having a good call-to-action, you can start to gain some initial subscribers. While they might not be as important today as they once were, it can't hurt to have them!

Some people over-complicate the process of getting subscribers on YouTube. Believe it or not, it isn't that difficult. By narrowing in on your target audience, putting your videos in front of people, and having a solid call-to-action, you'll position yourself to gain your first few subscribers on your channel.

Do You Need a Niche on YouTube


Have you ever visited a YouTube channel and noticed that they upload a lot of different types of videos? One day they upload a video about dog training, the next day they upload a video about finances. Did you end up subscribing to this channel? Probably not! So, do you need a niche on YouTube? Absolutely!

One of the worst things you can do when trying to achieve long-term success on YouTube is to segment your audience. An audience typically becomes segmented when a group of subscribers subscribes for a certain type of video, but the channel begins publishing videos of another type. If people subscribe for dog training videos, they expect dog training videos!

Many people look past this process and believe it isn't important. Take it from me, it is important. You don't want to spend an entire year growing an audience, just for them to all disappear if you decide to create different types of videos. Many creators end up starting multiple channels for a reason!

When creating your YouTube channel, you must select a niche. Yes, you can experiment with different types of videos if you're just learning the ropes. However, if you're serious about wanting to grow an audience, narrowing in on a particular niche is essential for achieving success.

Where to Share Your YouTube Videos for Views


To gain any subscribers, you will first need to get your videos seen. There are a variety of different ways to get videos seen, but one of the best options is off-site promotion. By sharing your videos on different platforms, you'll be able to get more visibility for your videos, leading to more subscribers if done correctly.

If you have not already, I recommend you create a social media profile on your platform of choice. Two platforms that I would recommend are Twitter and Instagram. Along with this, you could also create a Facebook account for joining targeted Facebook groups and a Reddit account for joining targeted subreddits.

Certain nuances will be involved when using each platform. Instagram works a certain way, and Twitter works differently. With every platform, however, providing value is important. Do not become a self-promotion machine and place links to your channel and videos everywhere. Provide value and be someone worth paying attention to.

So, if you're wondering where to share your YouTube videos for views, try out some of the platforms I just mentioned. Also, remember what I said about providing value. At the end of the day, there's no point in spending hours promoting your videos for nobody to watch them. Providing value can stop this from happening.

How to Ask Viewers to Subscribe


It's amazing how many more subscribers creators would have if they simply knew how to ask viewers to subscribe. It seems like a simple thing to do, and it kind of is. However, many creators still struggle with doing it effectively. The more viewers you can convert into subscribers, the more subscribers you will gain.

Asking a viewer to subscribe to your channel is as simple as, well, asking them! The key is making sure that you ask at the right time and you have the right call-to-action. Remember, people need to have a reason to subscribe to your channel. So, giving them a reason during your call-to-action is a great idea.

Your subscribe call-to-action should sound something like this:

"Hi, my name is Jim and I upload business and marketing videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you're interested in business and marketing videos, be sure to subscribe to my channel so you can receive my new videos in your subscription box whenever I publish them!"

Ideally, your call-to-action should take place near the start of your video, but not right at the start. You should have an engaging introduction for your video, and then you should ask the viewer to subscribe. This way, the viewers will be more engaged and you will be able to get your call-to-action heard by as many viewers as possible.

Believe it or not, many viewers don't even know that there is an option to subscribe to a YouTube channel. Also, many viewers forget it's an option when they're watching a video. So, making viewers aware of the fact that they can subscribe to your channel will in turn encourage them to subscribe. Don't be afraid to speak up!


Selecting a niche, sharing your videos, and inviting viewers to subscribe can all help you gain your first few YouTube subscribers. The key for you will be making sure you do the things that are needed consistently. If you only share your videos for a week, then you won't get very far. If you only have a call-to-action in 3 videos, then you won't get very far.

Now that you know how to get your first few subscribers on YouTube, you must use what you've learned in combination with everything else. Meaning, subscribers are great and can help with growing a channel, but making sure you follow the other best practices I mention are just as important.

Optimize your videos properly, use good thumbnails, be consistent, and provide value. If you do these things in combination with what was discussed in this article, you'll have no problem increasing your subscribers.

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